Patient Forms
Welcome to our office and congratulations on taking the first step to a healthier you! We request that our patient forms which you will be given by the front desk, be submitted as soon as you arrive in order to best serve you. The information you supply gives us a clear understanding your history and any other information related to your condition.
Initial Consultation
Once your forms are complete, Dr. Janae will meet with you for an in-depth consultation to evaluate your situation, hear your concerns and expectations, and discuss how chiropractic care can help meet your needs.
Spinal Examination
Dr. Janae will also examine your spine which involves your range of motion, reflexes and flexibility. He may also perform standard neurological, postural, and orthopedic tests all of which requires your consent.
X-Ray Analysis
We may take x-ray of your spine depending on your condition in order to determine the exact misalignment and condition of your spine. This information helps us to develop a concise and highly effective treatment plan geared to generate results in the most timely fashion.
Evaluation Results
After reviewing your test results coupled with your health history and needs, Dr. Janae will discuss recommendations for chiropractic care as well as support, if needed, from practitioners in other fields. He will address the three most important questions which are: how he can help, how much it will cost and how often you need to be seen. You can be sure that our team is here to facilitate your healing and balance in the quickest, most efficient way possible.
Treatment Plan
When your evaluations are complete, you and Dr. Janae will decide together which treatments and therapies best address your condition and fit into your lifestyle. These may include spinal corrections, massage, and certain types of physical therapy. Your plan can be altered as you see fit, so feel free to bring your questions and concerns to Dr. James and our wellness team at any time.
Wellness Program
We believe that creating optimal wellness is an ongoing lifestyle commitment that incorporates several components in addition to an aligned spine. These include a nutritious diet, proper exercise, and a positive emotional state all of which become increasingly easier to maintain as your health improves.
At first you may have specific temporary instructions to follow regarding your spinal correction such as applying heat or cold, and avoiding certain types of movement or activities until your body heals. Your doctor may also give you exercises or stretches to practice at home which can become part a regular routine.
Learning how to truly nourish yourself takes time and is key to a successful wellness plan. Think of it as using only the finest fuel to keep your engine running smoothly.
If you need a bit of extra help, our wellness team offers private customized wellness strategies and also conducts classes on a monthly basis where you can learn more about ideal practices and recipes for your overall wellness plan. You will quickly discover that being healthy feels great and makes adapting new ways of living a fun and rewarding path.